In-house toolmaking
In-house toolmaking in Germany and China
Our in-house tool shop is equipped to build and maintain high-quality molds for advanced casting and pressing technologies.
Less complex injection molds, e.g. for pre-series or small series, can be realized within a few days. All molds in operation are stored in our PDA system.
By means of an installed maintenance module, the complete history can thus be viewed at the click of a mouse. This ensures a constant quality and longevity of the tools.

In addition, our Managing Director Mr. Carsten Czilwa and Mrs. Jintoa Miao travel to our suppliers in China at regular intervals in order to accompany on site both the manufacture of customer molds and, if desired, the actual production of the plastic molded parts in China.

Product groups
Technical plastic molded parts
Busbar support
Supporting insulators 1-3 kV
Certified product quality
We produce in Germany under DIN standard. Our production offers the highest standards.